PfSense, Intel NIC, and Slow Upload Speeds

  You know when you spend days on an issue, just to find out the cause was as simple as a check box? Welcome to my life. For the past week I have been having an issue with my PfSense Router where I would only get about 1/2 of my advertised upload speeds. At first I thought it was some equipment going bad, or a mismatch duplex setting somewhere. In the end, it turns out that the Intel Driver my Quad Port Gigabit card has some issues, and this is what caused my Slow Upload speed in PfSense.

  The cause of my issue is a driver issue which causes Hardware Checksum Offloading and Hardware TCP Segmentation Offloading to not work as advertised, causing speed issues when going through the router.

  This was luckily a quick and easy fix. All you have to do to fix this issue is to go into System > Advanced > Networking, and disable the following features:

  • Hardware Checksum Offloading
  • Hardware TCP Segmentation Offloading

PfSense Intel Nic Slow Upload Fix
After checking those, saving, and rebooting I am now enjoying my full web speed again! I hope this helps if you are having the same issue!

9 thoughts on “PfSense, Intel NIC, and Slow Upload Speeds

  1. welsh1lad

    Fantastic , been on this issue for weeks , as to why my html5 streaming was stuttering with pfsense running , but not when access’d directly .


  2. Hariprasad


    I have 50 Mbps leased line. i am not configured any traffic shaping and squid gard also But unable get speed inter net. I am getting only 2 Mpbs only in Lan. I am using latest 2.3.3 pfsense. I give any to any rule but unable get full speed.
    Please suggest me. It’s very critical for me. Please help me/


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